We invite you to take advantage of the offers of the store, which is located on the side of www.ebmia.pl. We do not just online sales. So de facto, an online shop was created a few years ago, after the assumption of a stationary store. Company Accessories CNC, which is the official owner of Ebmia was founded in 2005. The first step to gain the confidence of customers was to open a stationary store in Augustow. The shop is open today – Page Ebmia.pl is an online extension of the business and another opportunity to order accessories CNC via the Internet.
We created a shop to provide you with access to the best accessories from the sphere of automation and industry. We also supplements the field of CNC. Besides industrial parts in our company, you can order the service to create individual controls for industrial systems.
We work with world-renowned manufacturers who supply to our catalog on your accessories CNC. We cooperate with giants such as SKF, INA, THK, LENZE, FENES, FANAR, PAFANA, BISON-BIAL, GATES, OPTIBELT, BEA, HIWIN and NSK. Of course, this only examples that can be multiplied.
Since the beginning of the brand Ebmia strive to provide customers with the highest quality products at relatively low prices. Currently store more than 100,000 products that are available not only through the web site, but also in store, which is located in Augustow Street Chreptowicz 4 now invite you to visit both the online store and the stationary point where you can choose the instruments and industrial automation and accessories CNC experience the friendly service and expert advice that we provide for each client.